Our History
In 1899 the Kingsland Cricket Club leased an area of Kingsland from two farmers and stayed until 1903 when a District Scheme was to be introduced. They offered the land to the Eden District Cricket Club (EDCC).
The EDCC was founded on August 24 1903 and agreed to purchase 15 acres of freehold land. An official opening was held on Nov 9, 1903. By 1909 the fight to improve the land was proving too much and they decided to sell. This apparently took 5-6 years to accomplish this and the land was sold to and taken over by the ACA.
On September 5, 1906, the then chairman of the EDCC, Mr. E. C. Beale, wrote to the then Governor General, Lord Plunkett, advising that because the Ranfurly shield had proved popular in the rugby competition, he might like to present a “Plunkett” Shield for cricket. A month later he replied, agreeing to the suggestion and so the Plunkett Shield was born, thanks to the EDCC.
In 1906 the EDCC brought a professional from England, Mr. A. C. Relf, for £350. They, in turn rented him to the ACA for £12.10. He was to prove a godsend for Auckland cricket. NZCC in their wisdom decided to kick off the Plunkett shield by giving it to Canterbury as they considered them to be the best team in NZ. This riled Auckland, who had been given the first challenge. This team was captained by an Eden player W Brooke Smith (who later played for NZ) and included A. C. Relf who scored 147 in helping to win the Shield.
The early years were indeed halcyon years. EDCC won 1st, 2nd and 3rd grades in 1903/4, 2nd and 3rd in 1904/5, 2nd in 1905/6 and 1st and 2nd in 1906/7. From 1903 to 1938 the club won the 1st grade 10 times. During this period we had 3 players that represented NZ.
In 1952/3 we became Eden Roskill as a new District Scheme was introduced and moved our headquarters to Keith Hay Park, where we have remained ever since, albeit with a move from North to South in 1991, when we purchased our present clubrooms.
The club has many two-generation families who have played for the club. However, we also have some 3-generation families. Kym Hornell, a past Club Secretary and life member, her father, 2 daughters and a son as well as her brother have all played for the club.
To top that record, we have the Booth family. Ross is presently playing Presidents and has played for ERDCC for over 30 years. He was preceded by his father and grandfather and followed by his son Hayden.